
Adult-type Diffuse Gliomas | Treatment | Case reports | Rare subtypes

Home > Publications > Topics > Adult-type Diffuse Gliomas > Treatment > Case reports > Rare subtypes

Priesterbach-Ackley LP, Cordier F, de Witt Hamer P, Snijders TJ, Robe PA, Küsters B, de Leng WWJ, den Dunnen WFA, Brandsma D, Jansen C, Wesseling P, Muhlebner A.
Diffuse, IDH-wildtype gliomas in adults with minimal histological change and isolated TERT promoter mutation: not simply CNS WHO grade 4.
Acta Neuropathol. 2024 Jul 29;148(1):12. doi: 10.1007/s00401-024-02773-3. PMID: 39073427. Case report. ˍ