
Glioblastoma | Treatment | Clinical trials | Lomustine

Home > Publications > Topics > Glioblastoma > Treatment > Clinical trials > Lomustine

Preusser M, Kazda T, Le Rhun E, Sahm F, Smits M, Gempt J, Koekkoek JA, Monti AF, Csanadi M, Pitter JG, Bulbek H, Fournier B, Quoilin C, Gorlia T, Weller M, Minniti G; European Organisation for Research, Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Brain Tumor Group.
Lomustine with or without reirradiation for first progression of glioblastoma, LEGATO, EORTC-2227-BTG: study protocol for a randomized phase III study.
Trials. 2024 Jun 7;25(1):366. doi: 10.1186/s13063-024-08213-7. PMID: 38849943. Interventional study protocol. ˍ