
Glioblastoma | Treatment | Targeted therapy | Bevacizumab | Patient selection

Home > Publications > Topics > Glioblastoma > Treatment > Targeted therapy > Bevacizumab > Patient selection

Bobholz SA, Hoefs A, Hamburger J, Lowman AK, Winiarz A, Duenweg SR, Kyereme F, Connelly J, Coss D, Krucoff M, Banerjee A, LaViolette PS.
Radio-pathomic maps of glioblastoma identify phenotypes of non-enhancing tumor infiltration associated with bevacizumab treatment response.
Res Sq [Preprint]. 2024 Jan doi: 10.21203/ PMID: 38260400. Observational study. ˍ

*Hiller-Vallina S, Mondejar-Ruescas L, Caamaño-Moreno M, Cómitre-Mariano B, Alcivar-López D, Sepulveda JM, Hernández-Laín A, Pérez-Núñez Á, Segura-Collar B, Gargini R.
Sexual-biased necroinflammation is revealed as a predictor of bevacizumab benefit in Glioblastoma.
Neuro Oncol. 2024 Feb 27:noae033. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noae033. PMID: 38411438. Observational study. ˍ