
High-grade gliomas | Treatment | Clinical trials | Immunotherapy

Home > Publications > Topics > High-grade gliomas > Treatment > Clinical trials > Immunotherapy

Palavani LB, Mitre LP, Camerotte R, Nogueira BV, Canto GL, Chen HC, Pacheco-Barrios N, Ferreira MY, Batista S, Andreão FF, Polverini AD, Montenegro TS, Paiva W, Ferreira C, Bertani R, D'Amico RS.
Advancements and challenges: immunotherapy therapy in high-grade glioma - a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.
J Neurooncol. 2024 Sep 4. doi: 10.1007/s11060-024-04813-0. PMID: 39230804. Review˰ ˍ