
High-grade gliomas | Treatment | Pharmacotherapy | Antiepileptic drugs

Home > Publications > Topics > High-grade gliomas > Treatment > Pharmacotherapy > Antiepileptic drugs

Tobochnik S, Regan MS, Dorotan MKC, Reich D, Lapinskas E, Hossain MA, Stopka S, Santagata S, Murphy MM, Arnaout O, Bi WL, Antonio Chiocca E, Golby AJ, Mooney MA, Smith TR, Ligon KL, Wen PY, Agar NYR, Lee JW.
Pilot trial of perampanel on peritumoral hyperexcitability and clinical outcomes in newly diagnosed high-grade glioma.
medRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 Apr 18:2024.04.11.24305666. doi: 10.1101/2024.04.11.24305666. PMID: 38645003. Interventional study. ˍ