
High-grade gliomas | Treatment | Targeted therapy | Fexagratinib

Home > Publications > Topics > High-grade gliomas > Treatment > Targeted therapy | Fexagratinib

Picca A, Di Stefano AL, Savatovsky J, Ducray F, Chinot O, Moyal EC, Augereau P, Le Rhun E, Schmitt Y, Rousseaux N, Yepnang AMM, Estellat C, Charbonneau F, Letourneur Q, Branger DF, Meyronet D, Fardeau C, Mokhtari K, Bielle F, Iavarone A, Sanson M.
TARGET: A phase I/II open-label multicenter study to assess safety and efficacy of fexagratinib in patients with relapsed/refractory FGFR fusion-positive glioma.
Neurooncol Adv. 2024 May 20;6(1):vdae068. doi: 10.1093/noajnl/vdae068. PMID: 38813112. Interventional study. ˍ