
High-grade gliomas | Diagnosis | Progression/Pseudoprogression

Home > Publications > Topics > High-grade gliomas > Diagnosis > Progression/Pseudoprogression

Satragno C, Schiavetti I, Cella E, Picichè F, Falcitano L, Resaz M, Truffelli M, Caneva S, Mattioli P, Esposito D, Ginulla A, Scaffidi C, Fiaschi P, D'Andrea A, Bianconi A, Zona G, Barletta L, Roccatagliata L, Castellan L, Morbelli S, Bauckneht M, Donegani I, Nozza P, Arnaldi D, Vidano G, Gianelli F, Barra S, Bennicelli E, Belgioia L; disease management team on Neuroncology of IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino.
Systemic inflammatory markers and volume of enhancing tissue on post-contrast T1w MRI images in differentiating true tumor progression from pseudoprogression in high-grade glioma.
Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2024 Aug 30;49:100849. doi: 10.1016/j.ctro.2024.100849. PMID: 39318678. Observational study. ˍ

*Puranik AD, Dev ID, Rangarajan V, Jain Y, Patra S, Purandare NC, Sahu A, Choudhary A, Bhattacharya K, Gupta T, Chatterjee A, Dasgupta A, Moiyadi A, Shetty P, Singh V, Sridhar E, Sahay A, Shah A, Menon N, Ghosh S, Choudhury S, Shah S, Agrawal A, Lakshminarayanan N, Kumar A, Gopalakrishna A.
FET PET to differentiate between post-treatment changes and recurrence in high-grade gliomas: a single center multidisciplinary clinic controlled study.
Neuroradiology. 2024 Nov 11. doi: 10.1007/s00234-024-03495-9. PMID: 39527264. Observational study. ˍ

Artificial intelligence

Mohammadzadeh I, Niroomand B, Hajikarimloo B, Habibi MA, Mortezaei A, Behjati J, Albakr A, Borghei-Razavi H.
Can we rely on machine learning algorithms as a trustworthy predictor for recurrence in high-grade glioma? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2025 Jan 25;249:108762. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2025.108762. PMID: 39884144. Review; Meta-analysis. ˍ